Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy Hour Fun

These two platters were for Happy Hour held every Friday! I was told by one of my co-workers that this fruit platter was my best yet! Cool! What do you think? I decided to cut some of the melon into smaller pieces and then put them into a shingle-like pattern. There's also some dried pineapple and peaches on the ends!

The wonderful world of cheese! I included some Cheddar, Brie, Lemon, and Boursin cheese!

Jr. Crafters Night!!

Our Inspiration!  We didn't actually use the instructions because, who does that?!

This is Penelope (we gave her a blogging alias).  She is cutting her first piece of fabric for the front of her laundry bag.

This is Pocahontas (she chose her blogging alias!).  I had her measure and cut her front fabric piece.   
Penelope needed a mental health break, and therefor did what any typical 11 year old would do.  Placing one's skirt on one's head is clearly the most obvious thing to do.

Back to business.  We found a Tupperware lid for our laundry hole. The girls traced the circle and cut them out.
Again, Penelope needed a break, as did "Daisy" (who's name has been changed to protect her true identity). 

Pocahontas pinned the right sides of the front and back piece together.  (I used bias tape on the holes to finish the edges.)

Penelope did a great job using the sewing machine.  She sewed three sides, leaving the top open.

Pocahontas, having never used a sewing machine before did a great job as well! I had her leave a bigger seam around the edges so there was plenty of room to work.

We finished the bags with straps at the top to hang.  Also, the girls want you to know that they are in their PJs because studies have shown that wearing jammies while sewing promotes creativity and focus.  Not to mention gets them to bed sooner.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Curly Cues

I love that the carrots and beets were shaved for this Iceberg Salad! When taught how to plate, I was told to stay in the middle of the plate and build high! What do you think?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cheese Platter

Well, another Friday has passed! The cheese and fruit platters were yummy as usual. Here is this weeks cheese platter! It includes Goat Cheese, Lemon, and more. I added an array of color with Kiwi, Dried Apricots, Strawberries, Blackberries, and Blueberries.