Monday, February 28, 2011

Hootie Hoo! Owl Softies!

For their 2nd birthday, I decided to make my cousin's twin son and daughter these owl "softies" from a pattern I found online.  They were SO much fun to make, I decided to make one for a co-worker's new son.  I used left-over fabric from the baby quilts I made for the twins two years ago - glad I am a fabric hoarder!  You can see the quilts I made in an earlier post. 
I used three fabrics for the body plus some craft felt for the eyes and beak.

I think my favorite part is the dangly legs!

Fun project! 
So, for those of you willing to spend a little time behind the sewing machine, here's the link.  They really were pretty easy, just a little time-consuming . I probably spent about 3 hours on each one.


  1. These are really cute. I love the green and blue one. So fun that they will match the quilts.

  2. These are awesome! I totally want one!
